

    重庆自学考试网> 试题题库列表页> 第六部分:完型补文(每题1.5分, 共15分)下面的短文有10处空白,每处空白的括号内有一个词,请根据短文内容将其正确的形式填入文中,以恢复文章原貌,并将答案写在答题-卡相应的位置上。Body ImageMany people are not satisfied (satisfy)with their body images .They are(  41 ) (encourage)to have plastic surgeries (整形手术) ,diet plans,or diet pll.However,to build a positive body image( 42  ) ( require ) a balanced diet and a (  43  ) ( health ) lifestyle.on our daily life,to eat more fruits and(  44 )(vegetable) than meat will help us keep fit ,and the best way to keep ourselves in shape is to do some vigorous exercise every day .Besides,a correct attitude is( 45  )(equal) important.We should not fee(  46 )(embarrass)about our bodies.We should not believe our body is a shame of personal ( 47  ) (fail) .We do not need to bear(  48  ) (attract) as everyone else.Instead,we should love ourselves rather than desire for ( 49  ) (possible) standards.We should have a real and clear understanding of our body parts,and appreciate our body for the way it is.In this way ,we will feel.(  50  ) (comfort)and confident.


    卷面总分:     试卷年份:2021    是否有答案:   

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    第六部分:完型补文(每题1.5, 15)



    Body Image

    Many people are not satisfied (satisfy)with their body images .They are  41  (encourage)to have plastic surgeries (整形手术) ,diet plans,or diet pll.However,to build a positive body image 42   ( require ) a balanced diet and a   43   ( health ) lifestyle.on our daily life,to eat more fruits and  44 (vegetable) than meat will help us keep fit ,and the best way to keep ourselves in shape is to do some vigorous exercise every day .

    Besides,a correct attitude is 45  (equal) important.We should not fee  46 (embarrass)about our bodies.We should not believe our body is a shame of personal  47   (fail) .We do not need to bear  48   (attract) as everyone else.Instead,we should love ourselves rather than desire for  49   (possible) standards.We should have a real and clear understanding of our body parts,and appreciate our body for the way it is.In this way ,we will feel.  50   (comfort)and confident.

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    更多题目 请在 下方输入框 内输入要搜索的题目:

    This text mainly about   

    • A、The importance of DNA

    • B、The role of exercise.

    • C、the birth of a new journal

    • D、the difference between twins

    Task 2:

    20Being sick away from is   

    21You are advised to recover   

    22The best care for illness is   

    23If you cannot bear the noise from TV,   

    24A few useful translated phrases help you   

    25You can buy medicine   

    A.ask for medicine.

    B. at your own pace

    C. water and hot

    D. a terrible experience.

    E. At a nearby store.

    F. read your favorite book.

    G. suffer from a cold

    Wild animals often come into cities for the winter.

    • A、True

    • B、False

    • C、Not Given






