

    重庆自学考试网> 试题题库列表页> As it is mentioned in the 4th paragraph, gaps have grown dramatically between        .


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    As it is mentioned in the 4th paragraph, gaps have grown dramatically between        .

    • A、the talented students and the slow ones

    • B、the advanced countries and the others

    • C、the selective institutions and the rest

    • D、the rich families and the poor ones

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    Since higher education has become a seller 's market, the national goal to increase college attainment      .

    • A、will be fulfilled in a short time

    • B、will be difficult to achieve

    • C、will draw more public concern

    • D、will demand more financial input



    Pocket Money Basics

    Pocket money is one of the first ways for children to learn the basics of   41   ( manage) money--a skill they'll definitely need for life- and it makes children feel    42   ( dependent). Equally,if your family finances or values mean you'd rather not give pocket money that is also an important lesson for your children.

    Generally , children learn their   43   (attitude) towards money from home.   44  (give) pocket money creates the opportunity teach children about spending   45  ( thoughtful) and saving (and even the consequences of misplacing it , losing it , betting or giving money away). Regardless of the amount of moneygiving pocket money to children as young as four or five  46 (help) them to begin learning about money 47 ( manage). Pocket money also helps teach children about having to make choices,    48   (save) up and waiting for things they want.

    Letting your children make a few mistakes is part of the learning process. You can put   49 ( limit) on what they spend their money on——for example , you might discourage them from_ 50 ( buy) bubblegum if you want to protect their teeth from decay.

    According to most students, what is the most essential condition that enables them to get into the labor market?

    • A、Diplomas.

    • B、Being employed.

    • C、Going to college.

    • D、Knowledge and skills.






