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    I. Multiple choice: (1% X 15=15%)

    Directions: Beneath each of the following sentences, there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that best completes the sentence and blacken the corresponding letter A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHET.

    1. According to the definition given by WTO, "Tourism comprises the activities of persons traveling to and stay in places outside their usual environment for for leisure,

    business and other purposes.'

    A. more than one consecutive year

    B. not more than one consecutive year

    C. more than one consecutive month

    D. not more than one consecutive month

    2. Back in 1990s, Chinese government singled out as the principal means of improving China's transportation network.

    A. subway development

    B. bus development

    C. airline industry development

    D. railway development

    3. According to the text,

    is/are a fundamental component in the development of tourism.

    A. economy

    B. culture

    C. resources

    D. environment

    4. ICAO is a/an organization. .

    A. national

    B. international

    C. regional

    D. territorial

    5. According to Maslow's hierarchy of needs model, the second lowest need is the need of

    A. safety

    B. belonging

    C. esteem

    D. self-actualization

    6. In case of tourists interested in other cultures, will NOT determine the destination selected.

    A. the closeness to the cultural event

    B. the location of the cultural event

    C. the availability of the cultural event

    D. the standard of accommodation

    7. The range of products that an agent ofers are mainly determined by the fllowing EXCEPT

    A. the level of commission

    B. the demand in a certain area

    C. the degree of specialization of the agency

    D. the price of the product

    8. Dividing agents into diferent categories and providing difent number of brochure mainly aims to

    A. reduce wastage

    B. establish different commission

    C. encourage performance

    D. maintain good relation with major agents

    9. For charter services, the middlemen can do the fllowing EXCEPT

    A. adjusting prices according to passenger load factors

    B. cancelling flights

    C. tansferring passengers to other fights

    D. changing flight departures

    10. Eight-day cruises from Los Angeles to Mexico belong to

    A. short-duration cruises

    B. intermediate-length cruises

    C. long cruises

    D. round-the-world cruises

    11. The development sequence of hospitality is

    A. inn, commercial hotel, hotel chain, grand hotel

    B. inn, commercial hotel, grand hotel, hotel chain

    C. inn, hotel chain, commercial hotel, grand hotel

    D. inn, grand hotel, commercial hotel, hotel chain

    12. The responsibility of

    is to define and interpret the policies established by top management.

    A. the general manager

    B. the engineering manager

    C. the resident manager

    D. the front office manager

    13. Once good business and income levels have been generated in an area, other businessmen and govermment agencies may be influenced to invest even more in that area. This is

    known by economists as

    A. a bucket concept

    B. an acelerator concept

    C. a butterfly effect

    D. a hedgehog effect

    14. According to the text, the relationship between the hosts and tourists is essentially.

    A. long-lasting

    B. transitory

    C. offensive

    D. friendly

    15. The ability of a region to absorb tourists without destroying the balance of nature is called

    A. psychological capacity

    B. physical capacity

    C. safe capacity

    D. ecological capacity

    II,Reading comprehension: (2%X 10 20%)

    Directions: Read the following passages. Make your proper choices and blacken the corresponding letter A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET.

    (1)A company called Mars One announced a casting call for candidates at a news conference in New York City. Anyone 18 or older may apply via video for a one-way ticket to Mars. Mars One wants to build a colony that will be able to grow with an ever-expanding crew. The group has a plan for testing the technology that would transport people and things.

    As far as getting to Mars, Lansdorp, CEO of Mars One, said his organization is in discussions with Space X, the company that has now completed two commercial cargo missions to the International Space Station. The idea would be to use a slightly enlanged version of the Dragon capsule and land with retro-propulsion, not by parachute.

    If they get there, Mars astronauts will face a lonely life of danger, subsisting for extended periods on dried and canned food. They will get some of their water by recycling their urine. They will have to take care of sickness and injuries themselves. "There will be emergencies and deaths," Lansdorp said. “"We need to make sure that crew members can continue without those people."

    Mars astronauts will have to be mentally fit to deal with the unusual stresses. "Their psychological skills will be the main selection criteria we will use." he said. Once selected, a group of 40 astronauts will undergo seven years of training.

    The fight to Earth's neighbor, with its barren red desert landscape and thin carbon dioxide atmosphere, sounds almost worse than a lifetime on it. The crew of four will be cooped up on a rocket for seven months with a limited supply of food and water. It also might smell bad.“Showering with water will not be an option" on the jourmey there, according to Mars One's website.

    16. The word“casting” in Paragraph 1 can be paraphrased into.

    A. selecting people

    B. choosing actors

    C. molding objects

    D. testing fight

    17. We can infer from the passage that SpaceX is,

    A. one of the companies that buit the International Space Station

    B. a company focusing on goods transport

    C. a company that has sent cargos to Mars

    D. a company that specializes in space industry

    18. Which of the following statements is NOT true concerning the life on Mars?

    A. Astronauts will live on dried and canned food.

    B. Astronauts will drink recycled water.

    C. The crew members will have to learn how to get rid of people on Mars.

    D. The key issuse they will face is psychological stress.

    19. The fight to Mars will be

    A. much safer than living on Mars

    B. very beautiful with the view of its red landscape

    C. a seven-month joumney for four people

    D. a disaster for crew members because they are short of appliances

    20. We can infer from the passage that the mission of flying to Mars is

    A. dangerous

    B. interesting

    C. impossible

    D. expectable

    (2)A modern city featuring some of the most distinctive architecture in the world, both old and new, Helsinki is one of the cultural hot spots of Northerm Europe. An ideal holiday destination for both lovers of the arts and those who relish its exciting and vibrant nightife, Helsinki is also a chil-friendly city perfect for family vacations, and being surrounded by forests, lakes and the sea, it is also a haven for outdoor enthusiasts.

    Situated on the Baltic Sea, Finland's capital, Helsinki, is a moderm city of over half a million people, and is the second most northern capital in Europe. Surrounded by an archipelago of hundreds of tiny islands, and culturally influenced by both the East and West, Helsinki is unique, combining both modern and historic architectural styles with a love of open spaces that is at the very heart of Finnish identity.

    Helsinki is world famous for its architecture; the city center is renowned for its neoclassicalism, especially around Senate Square. Close by on a hlltop stands the Uspenski Cathedral, Europe's largest Russian Orthodox church, and a stunning example of the Byzantine-Russian style. Scattered about the city are fine examples of Jugendstil, or Art Nouveau, noticeably developing into a National Romanticist style, particularly in the case of the National Museum of Finland and the magnificent Railway Station. Elsewhere, the Temppeliaukio Church and Finlandia Hall represent early Modernism.

    As one of Europe's foremost capital cities, Helsinki is vibrant, yet paradoxically as laid-back as the Finns who call it home. Wide and spacious streets and avenues allow for a multitude of cafes and restaurants to serve outdoors, where you sit back and relax, and at night there is no shortage of bars, clubs and venues to choose from. Throughout the year, Helsinki offers an incredible variety of activities for people of all ages, whether they prefer challenging sports, or gentle investigations of the natural beauty all around them. Cruises around the archipelago, trekking in the nearby forests, and traditional Finnish saunas, are some of the more popular choices, but there's plenty more besides.

    21. The word“ relish”in Paragraph 1 means

    A. decorate

    B. appreciate

    C. considerate

    D. elaborate

    22. Finnish identity can be best shown from its

    A. Baltic Sea

    B. foremost location in northern Europe

    C. hundreds of tiny islands

    D. architectures with large open spaces

    23. How many architectural styles are mentioned in Paragraph 2?





    24. Tourists can choose from the popular activities EXCEPT in Helsinki.

    A. natural cave investigation

    B. cruising around the islands

    C. hiking in the forests

    D. enjoying Finnish saunas

    25. What is the best title for this passage?

    A. Helsinki, Capital of Finland

    B. Helsinki, an Ideal Destination for Tourists

    C. Helsinki, Capital of Architecture

    D. Helsinki, a City on the Baltic Sea

    II. Cloze: (1%X 15=15%)

    Directions: Choose the best answer from the choices given to complete the passage and blacken the corresponding letter A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET.

    One factor that can influence consumers is their mood state. Mood may be defined 26 a temporary and mild positive or negative feeling that is generalized and not tied to any particular circumstance. Moods should be 27 from emotions which are usually more intense, related to specific circumstances, and often conscious. In one sense, the effect of a consumer's mood can be thought of in 28 the same way as our reactions to the 29 of our friends- when our friends are happy and“up”, that tends to influence us positively,30 when they are “down", that can have a 31 impact on us. Similarly, consumers operating under a 32 mood state tend to react to stimulate in a direction 33 with that mood state. Thus, for example, we should expect to see consumers in a positive mood state evaluate products in more of 34 manner than they would not in such a state, mood states appear capable of 36 a consumer's memory. Moods appear to be readily influenced by marketing techniques. For example, the rhythm, pitch, and 37 of music has been shown to influence behavior such as the .38 of time spent in supermarkets or 39 to purchase products. In addition, advertising can influence consumers' moods which, in_40 , are capable of influencing consumers' reactions to products.

    26. A.as

    B. about

    C. by

    D. with

    27. A. derived

    B. descended

    C. divided

    D. distinguished

    28. A. thus

    B. even

    C. much

    D. still .

    29. A. behavior

    B. view

    C. gesture

    D. signal

    30. A. for

    B. but

    C. unless

    D. provided

    31. A. relative

    B. decisive

    C. negative

    D. sensitive

    32. A. given

    B. granted

    C. fixed

    D. driven

    33. A. resistant

    B. persistent

    C. insistent

    D. consistent

    34. A. casual

    B. critical

    C. serious

    D. favorable

    35. A. However

    B. Moreover

    C. Nevertheless

    D. Otherwise

    36. A. lfting

    B. enhancing

    C. cultivating

    D. raising

    37. A. step

    B. speed

    C. band

    D. volume

    38. A. extent

    B. amount

    C. scope

    D. range

    39. A. facilitieis

    B. capacities

    C. reflection

    D. intensions

    40. A. turn

    B. total

    C. detail

    D. depth

    IV. Phrasal verbs: (1% X 10=10%)

    Directions: Fill in the blanks with the proper phrasal verbs given below on the ANSWER SHEET. Make some changes if necessary.

    be involved in

    spring up

    be identical to

    set up

    invest in

    submit to

    rest on

    put together

    conform to

    look to

    41. Mary's skirt Jane's.

    42. They are going to a school for deaf-mutes.

    43. He a large amount of money a steel plant.

    44. She doesn't know how to a sentence properly in English.

    45. You must the rules of our university.

    46. High-rise buildings have all over Beijing.

    47. The youth the robbery.

    48. I my parents for help whenever I'm in trouble.

    49. You have composed a very eloquent speech, so the final success will mainly your performance before the audience.

    50. She refused to herself his control.

    V. Phrase translation: (1% X 20=20%)

    Part One

    Directions: Translate the following into Chinese on the ANSWER SHEET.

    51. supply and demand equilibrium

    52. tertiary industry

    53. paid holiday

    54. executive housekeeper

    55. exotic and unusual holiday

    56. air fares

    57. culinary arts

    58. trunk route airlines

    59. unit costs

    60. certified travel counselor

    Part Two

    Directions: Translate the following into English on the ANSWER SHEET.











    VI. Passage translation: ( 10%X 2=20%)

    Directions: Translate the following passages into Chinese on the ANSWER SHEET.

    71. Tourism contributes to both preservation and development of the world's cultural heritage. It provides governments with the rationale for the preservation of historical sites and the motivation for indigenous groups to preserve unique dimensions of heritage in the form of dance, music, and artifacts. However, it is easy to ascribe (归因于) cultural decline to the impact of tourism, whereas it is likely to be as much a factor of increasing technology and mass communication and the dominant influence of western culture on the third world. In many cases tourism has led to the revival of interest in tribal customs in lesser developed countries. Dying local arts and crafts have been regenerated and the growth of cottage industries (家庭手工业) catering for tourist demand has done much to benefit the economies of depressed regions.

    72. This fall, the world's largest passenger ship sailing around the world for peace, sustainability and innovation is coming to New York City for two days as part of Peace Boat's 92nd Global Voyage for Peace. An award-winning international non-profit organization, Peace Boat is currently developing an“Eco-ship"- the world's first ecologically sustainable passenger ship. On October 20th, Peace Boat will host a public event onboard, inviting the New York City community to learn more about Peace Boat's Eco-ship, its initiatives for the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs),and its three decades of innovative voyages and programs.










